STUDEX® provides professional ear piercing systems that are easy and quick to use. They use different kinds of technology and offer different varieties of earrings. Contact us to help you choose the best system for your needs.
STUDEX® System75™ is a modern, easy-to-use, and virtually silent ear piercing system with sterile single-use cartridges. Ear piercing with this precision instrument is barely noticeable, since the tissue is pierced gently. This system offers the optimum in hygiene and sterility. Never before has ear piercing been this simple, gentle, and safe. STUDEX® PLUS is a proven, classic pressure-spring ear piercing system. It complies with the hygiene standards of various countries. STUDEX® Universal is a classic pressure-spring system as well. It is very popular all around the world but not distributed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.STUDEX® System75™
STUDEX® Universal